C'est officiel, je participe au #6MMRPC !
I officially participate to the #6MMRPC !
#6MMRPC, Cékoidon ?
Cela signifie "6 Month Montain Reduction and Painting Challenge" que l'on traduirait par "Défi Semestriel de Réduction de la Montagne de Trucs à Peindre".
That mean "6 Month Montain Reduction and Painting Challenge"
C'est une sorte de promesse d'alcoolique de ne pas acheter de figs (ou sous certaines conditions) pendant 6 mois et on s'occupera plutôt à peindre ce qu'on a déjà. D'ailleurs, voici mon Everest (enfin, une partie ...):
It's a kind of unkeepable promise to just paint the hundreds of minis you already have instead of buying hundreds more during the next 6 month. BTW, my own Everest (well, a part of it ...):
Règlement / Rules:
1. No purchasing of new miniatures, EXCEPT if you use a joker. You get
three jokers to use on a figure purchase. Could be a blister pack, an
ebay bundle, or a single figure...you can't splurge. The only exception
to this rule is if you need bitz or A FIGURE (Singular) to complete a
unit/warband etc.
1.1 - There is an opportunity to "earn" additional jokers. If you
complete an entire project (whole unit/army/warband etc.) with pictures
of starting, WIP, and completion, you earn yourself a Joker.
2. Gifts do not count against you. Holidays, birthdays etc. Also, if
you're given gift cards by your hobby illiterate family or friends, you
can without penalty use them on anything you want miniatures wise.
3. Paints, terrain (or materials), and other hobby supplies do not apply to the no purchasing rule.
4. At least one hobby related blog post and/or Instagram update a week.
If you instagram, be sure to hashtag your pic with #6MMRPC
5. Zombtober will be part of the 6 month challenge so, Zombie related
stuff during October is ENCOURAGED. Other theme suggestions are
6. Anyone that wants to submit a before and after picture of a
miniature that they are proud of completing during the course of the
challenge to dmcffd@gmail.com will be entered into the running for a
gift certificate to a online wargaming store of their choice. Judging
will be by an un-biased person. Amount on the gift certificate will be
dictated by winners nationality but should work out to about $30 U.S. I
(Spiderweb of History) will not be eligible to win.
En gros, ça dit: pas d'achats pendant 6 mois sauf si on utilise un joker. On commence avec 3 jokers et on en gagne d'avantage quand on termine un projet peinture (une compo, une armée, une unité, ...). L'achat de matériel et les dons/cadeaux/lots ne comptent pas dans la limite. On essaie de faire un post par semaine pour donner son avancement. Pour ceux qui veulent il y a même un concours de peinture pour gagner $30 en bon d'achat.
Début / Start: 1er Juin / 1st of June
PS: oui, je ferai quelques post bilingue vu que la quasi-totalité des participants est anglophone
PS: i will try to use both french and english for my weekly posts.